viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


In early 1996, the National Competitiveness Council (15) adopted the National Strategy for competitiveness. In order to translate the strategies designed programs have been developing the National System of Science and Technology. Through the National Innovation System have been several actions related to strengthening innovation, technology development and transfer. The most important advances in joint SNCT have occurred in areas such as system modernization funding, market activation technology services and the integration of sectoral and regional programs sectors. Some results are presented. 

As regards the modernization and integration of the system of financing of technological development, progress has been made in the design of four types of programs: lines of credit with subsidized interest rates, co-financing arrangements, in which funds are awarded not refundable up to 50%; venture capital, where a qualified investor provides funds to a company and assuming the associated risk and obtaining a proportional profitability, and reduce the amount of security required for small and medium enterprises lending. As part of this strategy have been funded innovation projects management, product and process technology and projects to support technology services. 

Regarding activation technology services and human resources training, (16) using the experience of Icontec and the recently opened National Centre of Metrology and Standardization, have expanded technology services that promote the quality and timeliness of the product in the domestic market. In addition, through agreements Colciencias and Sena have developed business missions in various countries to promote strategic alliances, technology transfer and ensure greater access to the frontier of knowledge. 

The National Innovation System is conceived as a strategy that aims to integrate two dimensions: on the one hand, technological development-centers sectoral mechanisms, among others, and on the other, are conceived regional-centers or departmental regional innovation systems are driven by productivity and technologically based incubators. 

Since CDT is one of the main strategies of Innovation Policy and National Competitiveness Strategy recounts the progress in creating, strengthening and supporting facilities is presented.

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