jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

This is the key of the country 

This is the key of the country 
In that country, there is a city 
In the city, there is a town 
In that town, there is a street.
In the street, there is a lane.
In that lane, there is a yard.
In that yard, there is a house. 
In that house, there is a room. 
In that room, there is a table.
On the table, there is a basket.
In that basket, there are some flowers. 

Flowers in the basket.
Basket on the  table.
Table in the room.
Room in the house.
House in the yard.
Yard in the lane.
Lane in the street.
Street in the town.
Town in the city.
City in the country.
Of that country.
This is the key. 

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